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The Foundation meetings resume in September, starting Saturday 16. All meetings will be held in Italian.

The next appointments will be focused on the theme “Parenting and survival”.
Psychoanalytic reflection today, more than ever, also extends outside the consultation rooms towards common life as its epistemological status includes areas to which other forms of knowledge such as philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, sociology are not capable. able to access. First of all, the unconscious, individual and collective, that is, that part of our mental life that exists prevalently and that we ourselves do not know, but which we can (very partially) access through the methodology that Freud and other scholars transmitted to us.

We live in a confused era, in which we experience a sense of bewilderment, in which the dimension of thought, of reflection, of complexity seems dissolved in favor of solutions that we could define as actions, that is, predominantly operational, practical, factual; furthermore dictated by fashions, rather than ideas.

What can we do?

First of all, try to think, to give up pre-packaged answers and to try to understand our everyday life and I would like to propose that you do this using the concepts of parenting, function and survival as instruments.

  • September, Saturday 16, 11:00-13:00
    Le funzioni genitoriali
  • October, Saturday 21, 11:00-13:00
    Il tempo e le età della vita
  • November, Saturday 18, 11:00-13:00
    La creatività (e la distruttività)
  • December, Saturday 2, 11:00-13:00
    A proposito di sentimenti

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